The Building
This set is a miniature replicate of the Hsi Fang Temple of the San Diego Buddhist Association in San Diego, California. This set (just like the real Hsi Fang Temple) has three floors. It has the distinctive icon on the front face of the building.
這套是加利福尼亞州聖地亞哥市西方寺的微型複製品。 這一套(就像真正的西方寺一樣)有三層樓。 它在建築物的正面有獨特的圖標

First Floor
The first floor of the building has the main entrance, dining hall, and the temple’s kitchen. After the prayer service, attendees would often stay afterwards for the vegetarian food and socialize in the dining hall.
建築的一樓有正門、食堂和寺廟的廚房。 法會結束後,參加者通常會留下來享用素食並在齋堂社交。

Second Floor
The second floor of the building is the main service hall where many of the temple’s prayer services are held. The main hall contains shrines where devotees follow the venerables in their chant of the prayer service.
建築物的二樓是主要的大眾共修的地方,許多寺廟的法會共修都在這裡舉行。 主殿內設有佛殿,信徒們在這佛殿中跟隨尊者唱誦祈禱儀式。

Third Floor
The set also has a third floor featuring a rooftop garden. The real temple does not have this rooftop garden.
該套裝還設有帶屋頂花園的三樓。 真正的寺廟沒有這個屋頂花園。
