My name is Eugene and I have many nicknames. I’m known as the “Panda” to my wife because I don’t seem to get much sleep. I’m always busy doing something and don’t seem to sleep at all, hence the black ring around my eyes.
I am a software engineer. I build and maintain web-based database software applications. CustomersDB is my pet project that I have been working on for several years.
I love Legos and have many in my collection. I also created custom Lego and brick sets. Check them out at my Brick Panda page.
I also love to eat and travel. I have been to many places and still got a lot more places to visit. I love to sample different food from different parts of the world. I have created this site to share my traveling and tasting experiences as well as anything else I enjoy.
Eugene Chiang
Email: me@eugenethepanda.com
EugeneThePanda.com – My personal blog site.
EugeneChiang.com – My technical blog site.
CustomersDB.com – The cloud-based Point-Of-Sale (POS) software system for small businesses that I am working on.