This set is based on my favorite store, and you guess it, the Lego store. It features many Star Wars characters and the usual Lego store setup. I added the roof to showcase the original Lego color theme. Around the corner to the left is my wife’s favorite store. It does not have a name but you should be able to tell from the big light blue box and white ribbon.
這套是基於我最喜歡的商店,你猜對了,樂高商店。 它具有許多星球大戰角色和通常的樂高商店設置。 我添加了屋頂以展示原始的樂高顏色主題。 左邊拐角處是我妻子最喜歡的商店。 它沒有名字,但你應該可以從淺藍色的大盒子和白色的絲帶上看出來。

Tiffany Store

Lego Store