This set explains the origin of the Chinese New Year and some of it’s traditions. A popular folklore tells of a mythical beast called Nian (which sounds the same as ‘year’ in Chinese) that shows up every New Year’s Eve to cause havoc in the village. To scare away the Nian monster, the village people displayed red paper everywhere, burned bamboo, lit candles, and wore red clothes. In addition, people also made loud noises and burn bright lights from the fireworks to scare of this Nian monster. These traditions have been continued until the present time.
這一套是眾多套組中的第一組,解釋了中國新年的起源及其一些傳統。農曆新年已有數千年的歷史. 一個流行的民間傳說講述了一隻叫做年的神獸,它每年除夕都會出現,在村子裡造成嚴重破壞。 村民們為了嚇跑年獸,會到處張貼紅紙、燒竹子、點蠟燭和穿紅色衣物。 此外,人們還大聲喧嘩,燃放炮竹,以嚇唬這只年獸。 這些傳統一直延續到現在。