Also know as the Moon Festival. The festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. On this day, the moon is at its brightest and fullest size, coinciding with harvest time in the middle of Autumn. People eat moon cakes while glazing at the moon. Lanterns of all varieties, size, an shape are carried and displayed to symbolize that light of the people’s path to prosperity and good fortune.
又稱中秋節。 節日在農曆八月十五日舉行。 這一天,月亮最亮、最圓,恰逢中秋的收穫季節。 人們邊吃月餅邊賞月。 各式各樣、大小不一、形狀各異的燈籠被抬著擺著,象徵著人們走上富貴吉祥之路的那盞燈。

The legend has it that there once was 10 suns in the sky. The suns burnt all the plants on Earth and people where dying from it. Then one day, an archer named Hou Yi used his bow and arrows to shoot down nine of the ten suns to save the people on this Earth. Hou Yi, for his bravery, was then given a bottle of elixir that could make him immortal. He gave this bottle to his wife Chang Er for save keeping. However, one day, Chang Er had to drank this bottle of elixir to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. The elixir made her fly to the moon and before immortal.
傳說從前天上有10個太陽。 太陽燒毀了地球上所有的植物和死於它的人。 然後有一天,一位名叫后羿的弓箭手用他的弓箭射落了十個太陽中的九個來拯救地球上的人類。 后羿因為勇敢,得到了一瓶長生不老藥。 他將此瓶交給妻子嫦娥保存。 可是,有一天,嫦娥不得不喝下這瓶靈藥,以免落入壞人之手。 長生不老藥讓她飛上月球,不死不滅。
The jade rabbit is also a widespread character related to the Mid-Autumn Festival and the moon. The Chinese believe that the jade rabbit is a companion to Chang E on the moon.
玉兔也是一個與中秋節和月亮有關的普遍人物。 中國人認為玉兔是嫦娥在月球上的伴侶。