This set depicts Lunar New Year celebration at my aunt’s house in Taipei, Taiwan. Lunar New Year in my family has always been centered around family gathering and food. There would be a huge feast along with Mahjong, a tile-based four person game. If you look closely, my cousin’s dog, pee pee (translate to troublemaker), is also in the set.
這組照片描繪了我在台灣台北姑姑家慶祝農曆新年的情景。 我家的農曆新年一直以家庭聚會和食物為中心。 將有一場盛大的盛宴,還有麻將,一種基於瓷磚的四人遊戲。 仔細一看,我表弟的狗 pee pee(翻譯過來就是搗蛋鬼)也在片場。