Set based on the main prayer hall of the Hsi Fang Temple of San Diego, California. This diorama depicts the Sakyamuni Buddha’s birthday event celebration at the temple with the bathing of the buddha.
The Buddhas enshrined in the main shrine includes Sakyamuni Buddha (seated Buddha), Amitabha Buddha (standing in the middle), Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (standing on the right), and Mahasthamaprapa Bodhisattva (standing on the left).
以加利福尼亞州聖地亞哥的西方寺主祈禱廳為背景。 這個立體模型描繪了釋迦牟尼佛在寺廟裡舉行的生日慶典和沐浴佛像。