The Dragon Boat Festival occurs on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month (varying from late May to middle June). On this festival, people hold dragon boat races with each boat having an ornate carving of the dragon’s head at the bow and a tail in the stern. The boat is painted with scales. The paddles symbolically represent the dragon’s claws, the drum represents the heart.
端午節在農曆五月初五(從五月下旬到六月中旬不等)。 在這個節日里,人們舉行龍舟比賽,每隻船的船頭和船尾都有華麗的龍頭雕刻。 船上繪有鱗片。 槳象徵龍的爪子,鼓代表心臟。

Also on this festival, people eat “Zhongzi” (rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves) to commemorate the life and death of the Qu Yuan, a famous Chinese poet who drowned in a river. According to the legend, the fishermen began throwing rice into the river as an offering to Qu Yuan, so that his spirit could be nourished in the next world.
同樣在這個節日,人們吃“粽子”(用竹葉包裹的粽子)來紀念屈原,一位在河中溺水身亡的著名詩人。 相傳,漁民們開始將大米撒入江中,作為屈原的供品,以便他的精神可以在來世得到滋養。